This sequence begins with a review into the past of Dr. Hess. It was a happy families father. And it was astronaut. It comes of the earth, and one day it got the order to participate in a reconnaissance mission into the depths of the Alls If he overtook himself the old videos of its daughter, its woman Inga and its mother looks at, deeply is seized he always. He mumbles to itself, he had to hurry himself because he would have only little time. Glued and are destroyed the other rather at the ground because Otaru put back it. It goes it itself no little better although he convulsively persuades himself, he correctly had decided. Bloodberry is again in Akashi in the circus. Does you ask it: what if it a person would become? What would it perceive then? It is yet Akashi equal: it loves it so how it is. Nevertheless: the offer of Dr. Hess is more than enticing. Also Cherry goes it so similarly. The words of Dr. Hess go its no longer out of the sense. And glued practically already decided to suppose this offer. It persuades herself, Otaru would have left it because it is no person. That is to be sure nonsense, but if one begins first once to believe sowas, holds one nothing more. Baiko and Tamasaburou have a good and a bad message for Lorelei. The good: Otaru returns. The bad: a gigantic, secret spaceship constructed Dr. Hess by the name of Neo Mesopotamia, has he with that certainly nothing good in the sense. Fist and its Saberdolls make to be sure hunt on it, however not yet placed it. Lorelei worries large. On the journey, the train made a between stop, and also on the return trip, it holds is again here, between high mountains, nearly at a waterfall, the Hanagata already once down favor. Otaru goes it again more badly. There tiger stands suddenly before it. The train goes further, but Otaru is no longer on board. Fist that stands outside with its Saberdolls, asks it what he would think himself actually at the same time to put back its puppet. That is not only heartles
Esta secuencia comienza con una revisión del pasado del Dr. Hess. Era un padre de familia feliz. Y fue astronauta. Viene de la tierra, y un día recibió la orden de participar en una misión de reconocimiento en las profundidades de los Alls. Si se adelantaba a sí mismo los viejos videos de su hija, su mujer Inga y su madre mira, profundamente se apoderó de él siempre .