Barbara, Bethany, Blaine and Gus all sit down to play Use Your Words. Who will be the funniest off the cuff person? Surely Gus won't come in last both times....will he???
Blaine, Burnie, Chris, Gus and Jon test their mettle against strict NAT types and terrorists. They can defeat only one....which will it be?
Adam, Cole, Gus and Miles fight technical problems, each other, and a bunch of COM players to determine who will emerge victorious. Someone actually breaks their controller in a rage during this Let's Play, watch the video to find out why!
Brandon pretty much screams for the entire Let's Play and refuses to listen to Gus' advice...which is weird because he refuses to use the shout function in the game.
Blaine, Burnie, Gus, and Jon set out with the best intentions to have a fun battle. The betrayal and intrigue they encounter along the way were entirely unexpected. The whole team is awful. Seriously bad... but one person does stand out as worse than the rest. Try and see if you can figure out who it is. Some of these matches were hosted on our custom server with community members. See if you find your name in the video!
Blaine, Brandon, Gavin and Gus all enter the world of Fortnite. Can they overcome their petty differences to build an awesome fort and stave off a horde of husks? Troll Blaine shows his true colors in this video and secretly works to subvert the team's every move. Watch his slow descent into madness as he drags his entire team down with him
Blaine, Burnie, Gus and Jon are back to settle a score. Will they succeed and get a delicious chicken dinner or will their hopes be thrown off a rocky cliff?We mercilessly pick on Blaine throughout this video. I almost feel bad about it.
Plum Squad represents Rooster Teeth in an all out rumble amongst members of the Let's Play Family. Time to put our money where our mouth is and show our elite skills to the rest of those chumps.Let's be honest, you know who is gonna carry the team and who is going to crash vehicles nonstop.
Plum Squad suits up to chase an elusive chicken dinner. They may not have played PUBG as a squad together for some time but surely their skills are still in tact?
Plum Squad finally decides to give PUBG a rest and move on to another game to be terrible at. Can they channel their inner Ving Rhames and survive? Find out!
Join Armando, Andrew, and Griff as they try their darn-est in Apex!
Join Armando, Andrew, and Griff as they play the most awkward game ever complete with Hot old laddies asking us to find cards, fuck whoever this Jake dude is, and Armando not getting to steal a gun.
Armando, Andrew, and Griff are showing NO mercy to the characters for the Quarry. These goofy gameplay moments are what being a FIRST member is all about!