All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Standing Poses

    • January 6, 2015

    Explore the alignment of poses that make up a sun salutation at a pace just right for early morning. Close with a brief relaxation designed to help you transition into your busy day.

  • S01E02 Twists

    • January 6, 2015

    Morning is a wonderful time for twisting poses because they help restore your spine's natural range of motion and stimulate circulation. Explore a variety of beneficial twists in this practice: lying down, sitting, standing, and lunging.

  • S01E03 Backbends

    • January 6, 2015

    Find serenity and flexibility as you open your heart and release your spine in backbends. Experience a variety of poses to open your back side of your body, such as cobra, upward facing dog, upward facing bow, and cam

  • S01E04 Forward Bends

    • January 6, 2015

    Forward bends are about patience. Feel your lower back unwind with a series of forward bends, including standing forward bend, wide-angle forward bend, seated one-legged forward bend, and seated wide-legged forward bend.

  • S01E05 Hip Openers

    • January 6, 2015

    Go deep into your hips to increase flexibility, strength, and mental clarity. Warm up with a flowing sequence of repetitive hip openers, deepen your focus using a block with long-held poses, and explore the deep release benefits of pigeon pose.