The show began with a recap of some controversial statements made by Dilana, one of which centered on Ryan's performance. Dilana and Ryan were able to voice their opinions on the situation. It was then announced that Toby was Supernova's choice to sing a Supernova song with them this week, and his performance was well received. After that, there was a recap of "Media Day" at the mansion and, again, some of Dilana's responses to the press were perceived as harsh. The band called her on it, and Dilana explained herself, and then apologized. She dismissed it as a mistake, and she said she would learn from it. It was then announced that the Bottom Three was composed of Patrice, Magni, and Toby. Also in the Bottom Three at some point in the voting process was Storm. Magni performed "Fire" by Jimi Hendrix, his second consecutive performance in the Bottom Three. Patrice performed "Middle of the Road" by The Pretenders, her fourth performance in the Bottom Three. Toby performed "Plush" by Stone Temple Pilots, which convinced the band to send him back first. Supernova chose Patrice to be eliminated, explaining that they had to listen to the fans (who had placed her in the Bottom Three). There was no encore this week due to the time taken on the media day discussion.