The control of space in the immediate vicinity of planet Earth forms the battle strategy mapped out by Supreme Commander Leonard, as he forces his entire fleet of cosmic warships to engage the armada of gigantic alien battle cruisers in combat. It is the classic situation of David & Goliath, only this time, the legendary rock hurled by David is a massive barrage of laser cannons and powerful proton torpedoes! The Second Robotech War may not turn out the same as the first. The Robotech Masters are playing for keeps, with their entire civilization at stake the odds are too great to permit failure.
Los sobrevivientes de la fuerza de asalto TASC se reagrupan en la Base Lunar ALUCE. Se convierte en la menor de las preocupaciones de los Maestros Robotech mientras ven imágenes del viaje de Zor en las ruinas y descubre que la flor de la vida está empezando a florecer.
佐尔传来的情报警示他们, 因维生命之花正在SDF-1的废墟中盛开。这是因维人侵略势力逼近的一个信号。机器人统治者史前能量的生物合成储藏即将耗尽。武器和防御系统也一直处于能源匮乏状态,能量供不应求。如果机器人统治者不能保证注入新的史前能量,他们的文明就将走向尽头。