Mountain Board Jump Believe It or Not, Jason Lee has designed a Mountain Board that will allow him to set a long distance world record. Youngest Sailor Fifteen-year-old Sebastian Clover crossed the Atlantic by himself in a sailboat in only 25 days, making him the youngest sailor to ever sail the Atlantic Ocean solo! Believe it or not! Child Marriage Two people are getting married and believe it or not, they haven't even reached the age of ten. Nose Bubble Believe it or not, Joyce Samuels can blow a bubble twice the size of her head -- using her nose! Wacko Jacko Wannabe Believe It Or Not, Emmanuel De Reyghere is so obsessed with Michael Jackson, he's transforming himself to look exactly like Wacko Jacko. World's Most Unbelievable Animal This week Ripley's goes to Dallas, Texas on their continuing search for America's most unbelievable animal! Jet Helicopter Believe it or not, this historic army chopper set speed records in 1967 with its 500 horsepower jet engine rocketing