Foil Boarding Believe it or not, Laird Hamilton is the only person to ever create a surfboard that allows him to surf 2 feet above the water! Blind Skier Bart Bunting is a competitive skier who reaches speeds up to 60 mph and -- believe it or not -- he's blind! Underwater Bike Believe it or not, this man has invented a lead bike that allows him to ride at the bottom of the sea! Indian Bone Eating Ritual As part of a religious ceremony -- believe it or not -- these people dig up bodies and chew on human bones! Fastest Fingers Bob Arno has the world's fastest fingers, believe it or not, he can take your tie off your neck without you even knowing it! Gladiator School Regular guys shed their jeans and become Roman gladiators, complete with real weapons, historically accurate armor and flesh wounds. And Ripley's is there to see this ancient sport come to life! Checkered Man Matt Gone loves checkered patterns so much that not only is his whole apartment decorated like a checker