Mike Danton took out the garbage. Now it’s time to take out the trash. (Please note that right after he took out the garbage, he was abducted by a paramilitary group who intends to hunt him down like a dog for a training exercise. It’s the only way our Cool 80s Tagline makes any sense.) Danton must stay alive by any means necessary, which mostly means whittling twigs into projectiles capable of piercing bone when lobbed from a short distance. He also eats worms, has a few bazookas lying around the house, and occasionally bludgeons an enemy with their own severed arm. He’s essentially every member of The Expendables rolled into one guy, stripped down to short shorts, and then whacked over the head with a sand wedge until he couldn’t remember any words longer than two syllables. Deadly Prey is the kind of budget badassery you’ve come to expect from the guy who donned a mesh belly shirt to play David Carradine’s son in Future Zone. Align your desk grenades properly, then join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for 80s action cheese at its ripest.