In dieser Folge wird das alles entscheidene und alles erklärende Rätsel gelöst.
With all the other assassins defeated, Nio announces there will be an orientation held at midnight revealing the secret behind Class Black, implying that Haru already knows something. That night, Tokaku and Haru arrive at the orientation, where they are greeted by Yuri, who reveals Class Black was designed as a test to see if Haru could survive against twelve assassins and become a successor for her clan, who control most of the world. Yuri implies that Haru, consciously or not, allegedly has the power to manipulate and control others into protecting her, which Haru refuses to acknowledge. As Haru runs off in denial, Yuri asks Tokaku to think of a wish she wants granted for winning Class Black. That night, as Tokaku feels she had been manipulated the entire time, with no way for Haru to prove otherwise, Kaiba tells her that all of the riddles he had sent her have no "right" answers, tasking Tokaku with finding her own answers. Meanwhile, after Haru asks Yuri to let her leave the clan and live a normal life, Nio takes her to their clan's cemetery, which Myōjō Academy was built upon, giving her some time to reflect on things. After spending time with her family's grave, Haru is approached by Tokaku, who delivers her own advance warning and draws her sword against her.
Haru et Tokaku ont vaincu tous les assassins de la classe Noire. Haru pourra-t-elle désormais vivre normalement, comme elle l’espérait ? Rien n’est moins sûr, car Nio annonce une réunion pour dévoiler le véritable but de la classe Noire, et la surprise sera de taille…
휑한 교실 안에 남은 3명. 그 와중에 토카쿠와 하루에게 진 오리엔테이션이 있음을 알리는 니오. 하루는 움찔거리면서 고개숙여 버린다. 그런 하루를 말 없이 바라볼 수밖에 없는 토카쿠.
토카쿠는 하나부사가 말한 '여왕벌'이 무슨 의미인지를 하루에게 묻는다.
Con todos los otros asesinos derrotados, Nio anuncia que habrá una orientación celebrada a medianoche revelar el secreto detrás de la Clase Negro, lo que implica que Haru ya sabe algo. Esa noche, Tokaku y Haru llegar a la orientación, donde son recibidos por Yuri, que revela Clase Negro fue diseñado como una prueba para ver si Haru podría sobrevivir contra doce asesinos y convertirse en un sucesor para su clan, que la mayor parte del mundo a controlar .