Imagine cooking without onions or garlic - unthinkable for a Western chef, but that's Marwari cuisine which Gary has to come to terms with. Totally vegetarian, it's centred around rituals and religion so there's a visit to a temple where hundreds are fed every day. All Marwari dishes are vegetarian and prepared without onion and garlic, which are believed to promote lusty thoughts! Their style of cooking is a triumph over the Rajasthan desert’s often meagre resources and is notable for its minimal use of tomatoes and abundance of yogurt or buttermilk instead of water (often in short supply). Recipes: Aloo Methi (Potatoes with Mustard Greens), Mewa Ki Kheer (Rice Pudding), Watermelon Pickle, Khatta Meetha Seethaphal (Sweet and Sour Pumpkin)