All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Parallel Universe

    • April 1, 2011

    Master Waytt, who lives in seclusion on the earth of the first parallel universe, has always guarded a key to the survival of the seven parallel universes, and has been peaceful for 100,000 years. But now, the Lion King, one of the four guardians of Hades, is leading the underworld warriors to come to Earth through time and space, to come and get this key back. The seemingly peaceful earth is actually brewing a bloody war. On the other hand, Kino and Thales, two ordinary middle school students on Earth, were not aware that the danger was approaching them step by step. They are still chasing after a young girl, Phoebe, whom they meet by chance, when suddenly soldiers from the underworld appear.

  • S01E02 Master Wyatt

    • April 2, 2011

    Phoebe took Kino and Thales to escape Master Wyatt's seclusion place. It turns out that Phoebe is Master Wyatt's apprentice, and he is also a super beast warrior who maintains the peace of the universe. Her encounters with Kino and Thales were carefully arranged in order to recruit them to join the super beast team to fight against Hades - they were also super beast warriors 100,000 years ago. But Kino and Thales were both suspicious and resistant to this sudden incident. At this moment, they just wanted to leave here and return to their peaceful life.

  • S01E03 Lion King Super Beast

    • April 3, 2011

    In order to protect the key, Phoebe and Master Wyatt fought desperately against the Lion King. But the Lion King summoned a huge super beast to kill Phoebe. At the time of the crisis, Kino stepped forward and took out the key in exchange for Phoebe's life. The Lion King was surprised when he saw Kino. From his words, it seemed that the Lion King knew Kino. The Lion King gave Kino an ability lock that could summon a super beast, all of which left Kino completely confused. When Kino was about to inquire, the Lion King had already left with the key, leaving behind a lot of mysteries.

  • S01E04 Call Of Duty

    • April 4, 2011

    Kino had too many mysteries to be answered by Master Wyatt, so Master Wyatt told him one by one. It was not until the key was mentioned that Kino knew the importance of this key. Now the key has fallen into the hands of the Lion King, which indicates that Hades will soon be resurrected, and the seven universes will soon be swallowed by darkness. Now, the only thing Master Wyatt can do is to gather the super beast warriors from the seven universes as soon as possible, and go to the underworld together to prevent the resurrection of Hades. In order to make up for their mistakes, Kino and Thales decided to join the super beast team to fight Hades together.

  • S01E05 Hades Resurrection

    • April 5, 2011

    Master Wyatt launched the spaceship to face the fleet led by the Golden Lion and the Silver Lion. The Silver lion led the troops to attack, Kino and Phoebe drove the flash to fight, while Thales stayed in the spacecraft to learn how to operate the spaceship from Master Waytt. Under the guidance of Master Wyatt, Kino sent out the Fire Cloud to kill the Silver Lion. The first battle was won, but the war had just begun. At this time, the Lion King has already unsealed the coffim, and the King Hades will be resurrected in seven days. And the four guardians of the underworld - the Lion King, the Blood Princess, the Whale Shark King, and Bradley gathered in the hall of the underworld, ready to intercept the super beast team.

  • S01E06 Mission Reincarnation

    • April 6, 2011

    The Golden Lion led the warship to attack the earth directly. Facing this unavoidable battle, Kino and Pheobe tried to summon the super beast to turn the tide, but unfortunately they failed to master the skills of summoning the super beast. Facing the battleship group, Master Wyatt unhurriedly used the ultimate stunt - Yuankong Destruction, and sealed himself and the underworld fleet in Yuanspace. Kino and others were able to escape, but they also lost Master Wyatt. Kino and the others were overcome with pain and continued to go to the underworld to complete their mission. Their next stop will be the second parallel universe - Dragon World. At the same time, the underworld also sent the blood princess to block it.

  • S01E07 Second Parallel Universe

    • April 7, 2011

    Kino and others also reached the second parallel universe. As soon as they landed, they were attacked by Devin, a member of the Snow tribe. After a fight, they realized that it was a mistake. It turned out that Devin was from this universe's Super beast warrior. At the same time, in order to intercept Kino and the others, the Scorpion King Xue also came to the second parallel universe. But the strange thing is that as soon as the Blood Princess came to the dragon world, she started killing the Snow people in the name of revenge. There is a 100,000 year-old grievance between the Blood Princess and the Snpw clan chief, and no one knows it now. In the end, Stegosaurus died under the hands of Solita, and Water Dragon City soon fell.

  • S01E08 Scorpion King Super Beast

    • April 8, 2011

    Devin led Kino and others to Water Dragon City, only then did Devin discover that his master Stegosaurus had died tragically under the hands of Solita. Even Phoebe was stabbed by Solita's poisonous tail in order to save Devin. So Devin and Kino joined forces to fight against Solita. But the Blood Princess summoned the poisonous scorpion super beast, and Kino and Devin quickly couldn't resist. They wanted to try to summon the super beast, but when Kino summoned the super beast, it was it was all burning with fire, while Devin was extremely cold. At the juncture of crisis, fortunately, Thales drove the spacecraft to save them, but Phoebe was captured by Solita.

  • S01E09 Blood Blending

    • April 9, 2011

  • S01E10 The Past Is Like Smoke

    • April 10, 2011