José Inocêncio diz a Mariana que João Pedro o roubou. João Pedro garante a Deocleciano que irá embora, caso o pai não peça desculpas. Sandra fica revoltada ao saber por João Pedro que o pai o acusou de ladrão. João Pedro e Sandra ficam juntos. Morena fica aflita quando Inácia conta que teve outro sonho em que João Pedro matava o pai. José Inocêncio ofende João Pedro e manda o filho sair de casa.
José Inocêncio tells Mariana that João Pedro stole him. João Pedro assures Deocletian that he will leave if his father doesn't apologize. Sandra is outraged to learn from João Pedro that her father accused him of being a thief. João Pedro and Sandra stay together. Morena is distressed when Inácia tells her that she had another dream in which João Pedro killed his father. José Inocêncio offends João Pedro and tells his son to leave the house.