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Season 2022

  • S2022E01 Mike and Jay Talk About Red Rocket

    • February 22, 2022
    • YouTube
  • S2022E02 Red Letter Media Talks About the Munsters Trailer For Some Reason

    • July 25, 2022
    • YouTube

    Rob Zombie's Munsters trailer took the world by storm! It's sure to be the biggest hit since Morbius and as such, Mike and Jay took some time during their most recent Half in the Bag shoot to discuss it with a level of depth and thoughtfulness that only a trailer for a 2022 Munsters re-boot deserves.

  • S2022E03 Rich and Mike play Super VHS: The RLM Video Game!

    • August 13, 2022
    • YouTube

    Seemingly out of nowhere comes a strange video game that takes place in the RLM studio. Normally we don't give attention to weirdos that take this much effort making something so utterly creepy, but this game is just so impressive, Rich and Mike had to play it and see what all the fuss was about.

  • S2022E04 Dick the Birthday Boy: The Legacy Continues

    • September 14, 2022
    • YouTube

    Dick the Birthday Boy shirts on sale now!

  • S2022E05 We Finally Watched Nukie: The VHS Grading Video

    • December 30, 2022
    • YouTube

    There's been a growing trend in VHS collecting, which has created an entirely new market for professional VHS grading, very similar to what's been happening with video game cartridge grading. As the owner's of 1000s of crappy VHS tapes, we were curious to dig deeper into this trend, as well as examine what makes something valuable and collectible. This all culminated in us taking a deeper look into our collection of Nukie tapes. Everything always leads to Nukie.

  • SPECIAL 0x53 Galaxy Class Act

    • April 18, 2023

    In the lead up to the series finale of Star Trek: Picard, here's a little clip from an older video.

Season 2023

  • S2023E01 Actually Watching Nukie

    • January 5, 2023
    • YouTube

    This edit makes the experience of sitting through Nukie look a little bit more tolerable than it actually is.

  • S2023E02 A Nightmare on Elm Street Trivia! Mike vs Jay!!!

    • March 24, 2023
    • YouTube

    Three elderly friends get together in a filthy warehouse in the slums of Milwaukee in the cold, cold, month of March. They dust off a 20 year old trivia game featuring questions about Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th (opting to only use the Nightmare questions). They videotape the process of asking each other questions to make a video for their YouTube channel - something to do to pass the time until they die. Likely from a heart attack, cancer, or other. Can life get any better?!? Some spend their time fighting fires, savings lives as doctors, or helping out those who are less fortunate. We ask each other questions about Nightmare on Elm street movies as professional YouTube Clowns™ You’ll see Rich Evans in all his grandpa glory hole action! He wears his peepers to read the tiny print on the trivia card in the low, smokey light. Jay knows more about Freddy than Mike. Will Jay win?!? Yes. Jay wins the game because he sucks and is a stupid head. Or does Mike win the game?

  • S2023E03 Red Letter Media Poorly Performs Minor Tasks

    • April 12, 2023
    • YouTube

    From hanging pictures to repairing precious movie props, Red Letter Media is generally bad at most things. In this video, we chronicle several of the random projects that we work on in between filming and editing our normal videos. Chaos ensues.

  • S2023E04 Happy Sleepy Kitty

    • May 24, 2023
    • YouTube
  • S2023E05 Beyond The Black Void - Watchbait

    • July 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans have returned again to the black void. Their reason today? To talk about a new huge summer blockbuster movie? No. Quite the opposite. They was gonna talk about Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning 2: Dead Reckoning 1, BUT they thought… how many times can one see Tom Cruise do stints? No, this day Mike, Jay, and Rich have returned to the black void to talk about “Watchbait” the movie version of “Clickbait”. Trash that has overrun a once great institution like Tubi. And before you ask, no we wasn’t compensated by Tubi to promote these films. We were just browsing about and saw a trend. A trend of using certain words or phrases in a title to get one to click on their junk film to watch it, only to realize after a few minutes they made the worst mistake of their lives. This particular video wasn’t a Half in the Bag. Nor was it a re:View. Nor was it a Best of the Worst. I guess it could have been a “Talks About” video, but nah. We made a new show called “Beyond the B

  • S2023E06 Christopher Nolan's 12 Angry Men

    • July 25, 2023
    • YouTube

    An excerpt from our recent Half in the Bag review of Oppenheimer.

  • S2023E07 Jokes Are Now Real

    • July 27, 2023
    • YouTube

    A Mattel Cinematic Universe????? VERY COOL!!!

  • S2023E08 Red Letter Media Animated - Speed 4

    • July 29, 2023
    • YouTube

    It's Spitballs! This is essentially a pilot for an official Red Letter Media animated series. In this series, Mike, Jay and Rich all play versions of themselves as L.A. losers who pitch movie and TV show ideas wherever and whenever they can, always unprepared and off the top of their heads. In this episode, they score a meeting with Jan de Bont and pitch him their idea for another Speed sequel. We teamed up with our favorite animator, Wee Zachary P, to create this short, an idea based on the many animations people have done of us ranting weird things and spitballing. Enjoy!

  • S2023E09 Mike and Jay Talk About Cobweb

    • September 1, 2023
    • YouTube

    It's the return of RLM's most popular series, Jeb and Mark Blark Abort! This time, we bring attention to this Halloween-centric movie that was inexplicably released the same weekend as Barbie and Oppenheimer: Cobweb! The movie was doomed to have abysmal box office and nobody knows why it was release when it was, not even Lionsgate!

  • S2023E10 Trivia Time! Marilyn Manson vs The Bloodhound Gang

    • September 22, 2023
    • YouTube

    Mike hosts a trivia video. Rich and Jay are contestants pitted against each other in an ultimate battle of filthy vulgar 90s musical artist lyrics.

  • S2023E11 Friday the 13th Trivia!

    • November 10, 2023
    • YouTube

    It's another trivia video!!1! This time, Jay and Mike reach into their rotted brains to try and remember specific details about the endless forgettable characters from the Friday the 13th movies that they just watched.

  • S2023E12 Displaying Our Exploded USS Enterprise D

    • November 16, 2023
    • YouTube

    Our movie and TV memorabilia museum is expanding! We are now the proud owners of pieces of a 4 foot model of the Enterprise D. This model was blowed up in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Cause and Effect". It was shipped to us in a ton of pieces (it was exploded) and we had to figure out a way to display it. If we didn't do it soon it would be doomed to sit on a shelf somewhere forever as we are all pretty lazy (except Rich and Jay). So Mike and Dick the Birthday Boy spent many a nights discussing how to do this. A plan was made. Since this was a pretty long process, we decided to make a little documentary about it. What else are we gonna do with our time?

  • S2023E13 Star Trek: The Next Generation Trivia

    • December 15, 2023
    • YouTube

    Its finally here! Mike and Rich face off in Star Trek: The Next Generation trivia showdown! It should be noted that this board game had a copyright of 1993 on it. This, I think, would mean that it was released during the series run and doesn't have any questions from season 7. That alone is fine, but also the game had some kind of weird layout to it. It was meant to roll dice and travel around the board. Each question had a symbol next to it which mean it belonged to some sort of category? It was related to something on the board, etc etc... Point being, many questions were lacking context such as episode name and situation. I.e. Ambassador Blorgon did this.... well, neither of us have a photographic memory so specific names, planets, sectors, etc are fuzzy without context. There have been many Ambassador so-and-so's The questions with context, such as episode name, really honed in the skills of Mike or Rich Evans.

Season 2024

  • S2024E01 Star Trek: The Next Generation Trivia (Part 2 of 10)

    • January 14, 2024

    Trivia revenge is a dish best served with a side of jerk chicken. Hi, I’m Krebs Gorlon the owner/operator of this YouTube channel (not affiliated with MrBeast) and I’m here today to share with you a video. A lovely video indeed about three stunted men in their 40’s that dress up in Star Trek costumes and play a 30-year-old trivia game. Real men are out there in the cold fixing downed electrical lines, savings lives at hospitals, or providing air traffic control for our nations busiest airports. These men are doing this…. In olden days they would have been called “village idiots” perhaps even court jesters. Morons who shame thyselves for the delight of the King. In the 1800’s they would be circus freaks or even clowns – a shameful profession that does nothing for the betterment of the world other than entertain the regular townsfolk while they slurp down turkey legs coated in meat slime. With every stale laugh, stinky belch-filled chuckle, and gape-mouthed pointed finger, a piece of the

  • S2024E02 Mike and Jay Talk About Dinner in America

    • February 9, 2024

    Mike and Jay are back for another Mike and Jay Talk About video where Mike and Jay talk about the movie Dinner in America, a punk rock coming of age suburbia dystopian love story. This is an addendum to our Half in the Bag Kyle Gallner triple feature extravaganza!

  • S2024E03 Marilyn Manson or Bloodhound Gang Trivia Part 2

    • February 29, 2024

    It's time once again for a celebration in sleaze! Why it’s Marilyn Manson or Bloodhound Gang! Two influential 90’s bands with wildly different music styles. Mike, sadly, has encyclopedic knowledge of the inventive, funny and often dark lyrics of Brian Warner and James Franks (aka Marilyn Manson and Jimmy Pop) What should he do with this knowledge? Of course he's going to torture his friends Rich and Jay for sad clicks on YouTube. Well, actually if we wanted sad clicks on YouTube there’s plenty of other things we could do. This is just an afternoon of laughs had by three middle-aged gentlemen in a cold Milwaukee warehouse (how many times have you heard THAT?) While Manson skews darker, and Bloodhound gang is more goofy - if you had a Venn diagram displaying lyrical topics there would be a narrow intersection. Same goes for style. Manson will occasionally dip into the absurd or silly and Franks can occasionally go darker. This makes these two musical icons perfect for trivia! Rich Evans

  • S2024E04 Red Letter Media Animated -The Pong Horror Movie

    • April 10, 2024

    Also known as Spitballs, in this episode the guys go off on a weird tangent after seeing a zoomer wearing a Pac-Man t-shirt. Instead of Super Mario Bros. or Sonic the Hedgehog, what if Hollywood cashed in on the video game movie revival trend with a feature film about the very first video game... PONG! HOW EXCITING WOULD THAT BE?!? WHAT AN AMAZING IP TO EXPLOIT WITH ENDLESS POTENTIAL! Special thanks to the brilliant WeeZacharyP for his inventive animation! Enjoy, friends!

  • S2024E05 The Death of Movie Theaters - Beyond the Black Void

    • June 2, 2024

    Mike and Jay sit down to talk about what everyone is talking about this week after the flop of Furiosa and Garfield and others. Chase that algorithm, fatty!

  • S2024E06 Red Letter Media Animated - The Dependables

    • June 19, 2024

    Hello friends! This was the original proof of concept thing we made when we were testing out the idea of doing our animated series, Spitballs. As explained in our intro, this is a really old idea Rich Evans and Mike would bounce back and forth going back 20+ years or more. We decided it would make for a good pilot episode. Obviously Mike is fond of the elderly, but what if the fate of the Earth was in the hands of the last dozen or so nonagenarians around. Enjoy this silly, unreleased video with artwork by Freddie Williams and the legend himself, Rich Evans! Mike did the editing and sound effects. Jay did essentially nothing cause he's scum.

  • S2024E07 Resurrecting the Salt Vampire

    • July 3, 2024

    Hi, today we are talking about Salt Vampire. In these dark times of The Acolyte thirst posts and 4th of July fireworks hurting my ears, we bring to you a kind a simple video. A pointless video really. A video that won't get the views of someone yelling into a microphone about a Star War, but to us it's important. We recently became the new owners of a dusty old reel of film from the original Star Trek series as well as the mold that was used to make the infamous Salt Vampire mask from the TOS episode "The Man Trap". Two items from the private collection of model maker Greg Jein. You see, when we get props we like to do fun things with them. Most times that ends up in us damaging them. But this time we decided to do something productive: Use the Salt Vampire head mold to recreate the original mask (and costume) as best we could with our limited skills. I think someone may have also done this with the mold. But I assure you, this was done with more love and much less skill.

  • S2024E08 Red Letter Media Investigates: The Paranormal Investigation

    • September 15, 2024

    Mike, Jay and Rich Evans talk about ghosts, hauntings, paranormal investigations, crazy people, ghost evidence, lies and other pointless topics in this two-part special Halloween season event video(s) that will conclude in a full on paranormal investigation of the famous Villisca Ax Murder House!!! What will they find with all the paranormal tools at their hands? Will Mike meet a ghost?

  • S2024E09 What Are Next?!

    • September 23, 2024

    Mike and Jay give a run-down of the new films and TV shows coming out over the next year and a half that you and your dumpster-diving grandmothers just might recognize. We're entering a time when the nightmares are now contagious viruses that spread from media to media and infect all our collective body cavities (anus). For example, for some reason that new emotional Ghostbusters trash was successful. People cried butterfly tears when they saw Venkman kiss Egon on the lips and rub his ghost trap and he ghost hugged his dumb daughter and told her he loved her even though she was clearly a lesbian and that secretly disappointed him even though he was a mute ghost. Well, that warranted a sequel of course. Then if that cash is flowing, green-light an animated series!!! Then green-light a live action series on Netflix or Prime or whatever. Might do a season or two. Who cares. People that work in the animation industry are starving and forced to deliver Amazon packages.

  • S2024E10 Red Letter Media Investigates: The Villisca Ax Murder House

    • September 28, 2024
    • Red Letter Media

    Halloween has come early this year! Today, in fact! That's right we were going to wait until October to release part two of our Villisca Ax Murder House investigation, but hey, it's Saturday! Krebs Gorlon is away on vacation so it's me Rich Evans typing this description because this video is serious business. In 1912, eight people (six of whom were children) were killed in this tiny house in Iowa by some kind of lunatic with an ax. The killer was never brought to justice so either their souls aren't at rest OR there is an evil entity in the house OR it is just an empty house. Here it is folks, our investigation video. Presented to you in all it's non-glory. As promised, nothing was faked and all "evidence" is presented in a rational and scientific fashion and we discuss as we go. Is there a little dramatic flair in editing? Sure. It can't be too boring, but we promise this is the most honest paranormal investigation video you'll ever see. In fact, we made this for non-clicks. Please DO

  • S2024E11 Best of the Worst Trivia!

    • November 18, 2024
    • Red Letter Media

    It's time again for another exciting game of trivia! This time, it's Mike vs. Rich in a sad attempt to remember anything from their own past. It's Best of the Worst Trivia! Who will win? Who will remember stuff? How much will they remember? How much do you remember?!!!? Take a trip down memory lane with this exciting and depressing video on YouTube dot com.

Season 2025

  • S2025E01 Impressions

    • January 20, 2025
    • YouTube

    Mike hosts a new game show where Josh, Jay and Rich Evans all are challenged to attempt impressions they have no idea how to do. Mike has randomly selected the impressions for them to do for his personal amusement. Josh wonders how he got here and attempts to help Rich and Jay as they stumble through the challenges like perhaps children attempting to solve an advanced quantum mathematics problem presented by an MIT professor. It is a hopeless cause, but one worthy of laughing at their attempts right to their stupid faces. Will Josh win? Will Rich win? Will Jay win? Who knows! Also, there's a special bonus at the end of the video.

  • S2025E02 ANOTHER Gremlins 3 Pitch!!!

    • February 5, 2025
    • YouTube

    In Joe Dante's spirit of anarchy and self-aware commentary on sequels that was Gremlins 2, it's only natural to do that again! But bigger!! This time with the ghoulish things that are soulless corporate reboots. A real life Gizmo lives in Joe Dante's basement and REAL Gremlins are unleashed on the set of the pathetic "Gremlins” soft reboot. A lazy director-for-hire, a moronic studio producer, and clueless actors suffer the consequences as Zach Galligan intentionally sabotages the film. After realizing the mistake he’s made, Zach and his co-star son Finn Wolfhard must stop the Gremlins before the escape the studio lot, or worse knock down the famed Warner Brothers water tower! Some notes for after viewing: Of course Stripe is hiding inside a Gizmo costume. Makes much more sense. And Phoebe Cates will return to acting as she'll be the one who plays Snow White in the fake film reboot trap. That's an obvious one we didn't think of. Thanks for listening!!!

  • S2025E03 Restoring a Trashed Star Trek Control Panel

    • February 20, 2025
    • YouTube

    After months of delays and procrastination, Mike, Jay and Rich Evans decide to finally attempt to do something with the Deep Space Nine USS Defiant Helm Control Panel they purchased from Propstore. It was cracked in half. Scratched, ripped, warped and all sorts of bad. Plus it needed to be lit. So the gang attempts their unique style of drunken midwestern problem solving. See the results! See the horror! Witness the shame! But seriously. Mike emailed with Michael Okuda and got some info on the prop. The theory is that this is the panel used on the show from the first appearance of the Defiant until the season 6 episode "One Little Ship" where a stunt explosions appears to happen right at the split mark. Maybe it was just a crack in the plexiglass, but enough to cause them to replace it because the next time we see the bridge is on the "Valiant" (same set) and there is a new LCARS layout. This is a theory. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this, but alas it is what it is. A pile

  • S2025E04 Mike and Jay Talk About The King Tide

    • February 24, 2025
    • YouTube

    Mike and Jay Talk about The King Tide, a movie you may not have heard of but should! Where did this movie come from? Where did it go? Why was such a well made movie dumped on Tubi, never to be heard about again? Until now! You can open up Tubi and choose between The King Tide or Clown Monster Massacre 3. The choice is yours!

Additional Specials