Gandia calls out the RBD members for expulsion. Mía tells Franco Miguel's dad died because of him and Miguel came here for revenge. Diego's plans to help the band are revealed. Franco tells Mía that Carlo was responsible for Miguel's dad financial ruin and subsequent death. Simon tells Roberta he has a son. Franco grants Gastón permission to protect Mía from Miguel. Gastón threatens Miguel. Celina has a bulimic scare. Carlo returns to Mexico. Mía confronts Miguel about his revenge; the most explosive scene of their relationship.
Gandía les advierte a los alumnos que los integrantes RBD serán expulsados del colegio . Franco le dice a Mia que fue Carlo quien provocó que quedara en la ruina y muriera el papá de Miguel. Franco acepta que Gastón proteja a Mia de Miguel.