In a town far away, Lucy, Natsu and Happy, from Mashima's Fairy Tail manga, are on a mission to find a troublemaker and deal with her. Due to unknown circumstances they get separated. The same happens to Elie and Haru, from Mashima's Rave Master manga. Lucy and Elie manage to meet each other and together they try to find their respective partners..
En un pueblo lejano, Lucy, Natsu y Happy, del manga Fairy Tail de Mashima, tienen la misión de encontrar a un alborotador y lidiar con ella. Debido a circunstancias desconocidas, se separan. Lo mismo les sucede a Elie y Haru, del manga Rave Master de Mashima. Lucy y Elie logran conocerse y juntos intentan encontrar a sus respectivas parejas.