Berial knocks Haru unconscious with ease, causing his defeat. Soon after, Jegan, Reina, and Berial observe the match between Elie and Julius. Catching Julius off guard, she manage to use her tonfa blasters at his face. Julius become aggressive, experiencing a temper tantrum. Griff attempts to run away, however Julius encased Elie in a coat of ice and launches her at Griff, Elie manages to break free, but she injures her arm in the process. Julius approaches Elie with a sword of ice, prepared to slash her. Suddenly, Griff jumps in the way to take the hit, cutting him in half. Seeing Griff in pieces, Elie unleashes a sample of the immeasurably vast destructive strength and power of her sealed Etherion, put the Oracion Six at shock. Haru wakes up from his comatose state and becomes furious at Julius and Berial. He uses his sword with expertise, blocking off the attacks of Reina, Julius, and Berial. However, Haru is caught off guard by Haja, the last member of the Oracion Six, as he falls next to Elie. The Oracion gather around the two, preparing to end their lives. Then, Sieghart Hart arrives and unleashes his tremendously strong magical abilities on the Oracion six, saving Haru and Elie from their demise.
Berial assomme facilement Haru, provoquant sa défaite. Peu de temps après, Jegan, Reina et Berial observent le match entre Elie et Julius. Prenant Julius au dépourvu, elle parvient à utiliser ses blasters tonfa sur son visage. Julius devient agressif et fait une crise de colère. Griff tente de s'enfuir, mais Julius enferme Elie dans un manteau de glace et la lance sur Griff, Elie parvient à se libérer, mais elle se blesse au bras dans le processus. Julius s'approche d'Elie avec une épée de glace, prêt à la taillader. Soudain, Griff saute sur le chemin pour prendre le coup, le coupant en deux. En voyant Griff en morceaux, Elie libère un échantillon de la force et de la puissance destructrices incommensurables de son Etherion scellé, mettant l'Oracion Seis en état de choc. Haru se réveille de son état comateux et devient furieux contre Julius et Berial.
Berial llama Haru inconsciente con facilidad, provocando su derrota. Poco después, Jegan, Reina, y Berial observan el partido entre Elie y Julius. La captura de Julio con la guardia baja, se las arregla para usar sus pistolas tonfa en su rostro.