Frosty Returns is an animated Christmas television special starring Jonathan Winters as the narrator and John Goodman as the voice of Frosty the Snowman. The special was directed by Bill Melendez and Evert Brown and features music by Mark Mothersbaugh. It was first released direct to VHS in 1992 and first aired on television on December 1, 1995 on CBS and continues to be broadcast. It is the fourth television special featuring the Frosty character. The special is not a direct sequel to the original 1969 special, as the two were produced by different companies (Rankin/Bass produced the original, while this special was made by Lorne Michaels' Broadway Video, with help from longtime Peanuts director Bill Melendez, for CBS), and feature different characters, setting and voice actors. There is no continuity apart from some of the characters. Neither Christmas nor Santa Claus is ever mentioned in this special. Instead, the characters have a winter carnival.