Home / Series / Q.E.D. (1982) / Aired Order / Season 1991 / Episode 2

Homoeopathy: Medicine or Magic?

Taking two tablets with a glass of water is one thing, but diluting two drops of a drug in a bath full of water hardly sounds like potent medicine. Yet homoeopathic doctors prescribe medicines diluted in more than a million, million, million parts of water. Doctors and vets claim spectacular achievements with such remedies, and scientific trials are producing results which are not easy to explain.

  • Originally Aired January 9, 1991
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Network BBC One
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Created June 15, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified June 15, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Anthony Clare Guest Star