Loosely inspired by Jules Verne's The Mysterious Island, The Searcher in the Shadows follows Rose Stratford as she finds herself on the mysterious Lincoln Island, two weeks in the past. On the island Rose meets various inhabitants with magic similar to Margaret. These people speak of a lost kingdom called The Blazing World and that what occurs on Lincoln Island will impact an entire civilization.
Name | Type | Role | |
Sam Johnides | Guest Star | Taavi | |
Dylan Saunders | Guest Star | Itzal | |
James Tolbert | Actor | Samuel Stratford | |
Mariah Rose Faith | Actor | Rose Stratford | |
Curt Mega | Actor | John Herschel | |
Matt Dahan | Actor | Narrator | |
Kim Whalen | Actor | Sia | |
Jeff Blim | Actor | Kal/Kalfu |