Mastermind Shogo Makishima und sein Team wollen die Grundfesten des Sibyl-Systems zerstören. Die ganze Stadt steht am Rande eines Bürgerkriegs.
As footage of the helmet killings appear on the internet, the helmets are distributed to more criminals who begin committing more horrendous crimes out in the open, prompting bloodthirsty revenge from the public in the name of self-defense. As the MWSPB are sent in to suppress the riots, Kogami deduces that the riots are intended to draw the police away from the Health and Welfare Ministry's Nona Tower facility, where the Sibyl System is located. As Makishima and his gang break in, Kogami, Akane and Shuusei head to the scene.
Alors que les images des criminels aux casques se répandent, les citoyens répondent peu à peu par la violence, et bientôt, de véritables émeutes éclatent.
Quando il filmato dei criminali con indosso un elmetto comincia a circolare, la gente risponde con violenza e, ben presto, la situazione degenera.
사이머틱 스캔을 방해하는 헬멧은 광범위하게 유통되고, 곳곳에서 범행이 일어난다. 비단 헬멧을 쓴 자들뿐만 아니라, 공포에 사로잡힌 일반시민들마저 이에 가담한다. 부족한 인력을 쪼개서 진압에 나서는 형사과. 그런데 코가미의 뇌리를 스치는 위화감이...
Los videos de los criminales de casco se hacen virales y ocasionan que el público reaccione con violencia y que estallen las revueltas.