Home / Series / Prisoner: Cell Block H / Aired Order / Season 3 / Episode 37

Episode 202

Bea finds Mum unconscious and stays with her while Jim runs for help. Margo comes in tossing Mum's pills in her hand. Bea asks for them back but Margo refuses. When Jim and Erica come running back Bea tells them that Margo has the pills. A search of Margo's cell yields nothing, but when everyone leaves Margo retrieves the bottle from under her waste basket and goes to rinse them down the sink. Bea walks in. She demands the bottle be handed over. Margo knees her in the stomach. Bea grabs Margo by the hair, spins her around and flattens her with a punch to the jaw. Vera runs in and prevents Margo from being strangled. Margo hands over the pills saying she found them in the rec room. Doreen catches Terry and Vera flirting. Doreen visits Bea and says that after this second attack on Margo no one will believe her amnesia story. Bea becomes upset and tells Doreen that she doesn't know who she is or what she's talking about. Doreen reminds her of the time they were trapped in the tunnel. Bea doesn't understand. Doreen finally believes her. Margo is waiting for Doreen outside the cell. She tells Doreen that Bea is off her rocker and that something has to be done about her. Doreen says not to hurt Bea - that she's sick. Margo says she's gonna be a whole lot sicker. Lizzie catches Terry and Vera flirting. Jim visits Mum in the infirmary and tucks her in. Vera and Terry have another date and kiss on Vera's doorstep. Vera issues her standard invitation "for coffee", but Terry declines. The next morning, Terry tells Jim he's lost the bet and gives Jim the money. Meg tells Nick she's found him a job as a warehouse packer. Jim and Mum have another chat - Jim is worried that Mum may have a bad go of it at her trial for harbouring Bea. Nick finds out his flatmates have been arrested for possession. He phones Meg for help, but she's off trying to help Mum's case. Meg discovers that the prosecution is determined to come down hard on Mum. Vera confides her feelings for Terry to Meg. Te

  • Originally Aired June 10, 1981
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network Network 10
  • Created February 16, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 24, 2024 by
Name Type Role
Bryon Williams Writer
Geoffrey Nottage Director
Kristy Grant Actor Samantha
Mary Ward Actor Mum Brooks
Paul Karo Actor Det Sgt Rouse
Jane Clifton Actor Margo Gaffney
Judith McGrath Actor
Brian Hannan Actor Officer Terry Harrison
Ned Manning Actor Nick Clarke
Gael Andrews Actor Sister Franklin