Princess Principal: Crown Handler is a six-part animated film series that follows the original 2017 anime. The members of the White Pigeon are assigned to investigate Bishop, a spy within the royal family. But danger lurks around every corner, and when you don’t know who you can trust, being a spy has never been more perilous for Ange and the rest of Team White Pigeon. After the assassination of Prince Edward, Princess Mary and Prince Richard aka the Duke of Arkham are the first and second-in-line respectively. As Richard conspires to seize the throne, Ange and Dorothy investigate the situation from the inside.
Alors que se déroulent les funérailles du prince Edward assassiné, qui était le premier à succéder au trône, les nobles du royaume d'Albion discutent de sujets tels que la succession de la princesse Mary, deuxième du nom, ou du duc d'Arkham, troisième du nom, le prince Richard, et de la façon dont le duc de Normandie agira.