Po krutem umoru v galeriji inšpektor Vrenko vedno močneje sumi, da se motiv za umore skriva v zapuščini slikarja Korenike.
Čeprav se izkaže, da si je Silvan z svojim nebrzdanim življenjskim slogom nakopal veliko sovražnikov, pa je inšpektor Vrenko vse bolj prepričan, da se motiv za umore nahaja v Korenikini zapuščini. V pogovoru s poznavalcem slikarstva Liebmannom Vrenko pride do odkritja, ki dvigne vrednost zapuščine na povsem nov nivo. Sedaj mora Vrenko najti le še odgovor na eno vprašanje – čigavo oko je opazilo dragocenost v zapuščini in jo zaželelo zadržati le zase.
After the brutal murder in the gallery, Inspector Vrenk increasingly suspects that the motive for the murders lies in the legacy of the painter Korenika. Although it turns out that Silvan has made many enemies with his unbridled lifestyle, Inspector Vrenk is increasingly convinced that the motive for the killings lies in Korenika's legacy. In conversation with the connoisseur of painting Liebmann, Vrenk makes a discovery that lifts the value of the legacy to a whole new level. Now Vrenk has only one answer to one question – whose eye has noticed the valuables in the legacy and wished to keep it to himself.