Alison arbeitet als Freiwillige im Radley Sanatorium, um mehr über Bethany Young in Erfahrung zu bringen. Tatsächlich stößt sie nach kurzer Zeit auf erste Hinweise und gerät schließlich mit einer Patientin aneinander, die einst Bethanys Zimmerkollegin war.
Aria begins her volunteer work at Radley and quickly gets down to business finding any answers she can about a patient of interest to the Liars. But she quickly hits a snag when she comes across an aggressive patient that may be the key to what the Liars are looking for. Also searching for answers, Spencer takes a note from Ezra’s play book by borrowing some of his spy equipment to keep a closer eye on the home front. Meanwhile, Hanna is caught at odds when Ali and Caleb butt heads, and Emily seeks help from her friends when her mom invites Ali over for dinner.
Arian vapaaehtoispesti Radleyssa tuottaa tuloksia uusien johtolankojen muodossa. Emilyn äiti kutsuu tytöt illalliselle, ja Hanna osoittaa mieltään ruokapöydässä. Hannan lörpöttely lisää kierroksia A:n rattaisiin.
Aria cerca risposte all'ospedale Radley, Spencer prende l'attrezzatura da spia di Ezra per controllare il fronte interno, mentre fra Ali e Caleb è scontro aperto...
Aria começa a fazer trabalho voluntário no Radley, buscando por respostas. Pam Fields convida Alison para jantar, então Emily requere a presença de todas as suas amigas.
Aria busca respuestas en Radley. Spencer toma prestado parte del equipo de espionaje de Ezra para controlar mejor la casa de enfrente. Ali y Caleb discuten.