Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)
Born in Naples, Bernini was an exceptional talent from an early age and went on to dominate the art world of 17th century Rome. His work epitomised the Baroque style and his sculpture, church interiors and exteriors and town planning could be seen everywhere. He was also a painter, playwright, costume and theatre designer.
Bernini worked under successive Popes; Pope Gregory XV made him a knight and Pope Urban VIII took him as his best friend. He was revered in his time until a jealous rage caused him to have the face of his mistress slashed after discovering her romance with his brother. His reputation fell further after his bell towers for the Cathedral of St Peter's started cracking in 1641. He redeemed himself and kick started his career again with arguably his most famous work, The Ecstasy of St Theresa, in 1652.
La vita, le vicende personali e gli straordinari capolavori di uno dei massimi rappresentanti della scena artistica mondiale, vengono raccontati dallo storico dell’arte britannico Simon Schama nel secondo episodio della serie “Simon Schama, il potere dell’arte”.
Nell’Apollo che insegue Dafne, nel busto del Cardinal Scipione e in quello della sua amata Costanza, nell’Estasi di Santa Teresa, l’artista ha trasmesso una passione che ha trasformato la scultura. Nessuno prima di lui era riuscito a rendere il marmo così carnale. Nelle sue mani si muove, si agita, suda. In una parola: vive.
Гений Джана Лоренсо Бернини уникален и многогранен, он выдающийся скульптор, архитектор и еще и композитор. Его скульптуры наделены дыханием жизни, а камень в его руках будто оживает. В конце 1640-х, наступает тяжелое для него время, появляются трещины в колокольне, которую он строил для собора Cвятого Петра. Бернини нуждается в чуде, чтобы восстановить свою репутацию и благосостояние. Таким чудом становится "Экстаз Св. Терезы". Великолепная мраморная статуя будто парит на границе между тайной и непристойностью. Многие мечтают увидеть этот шедевр, плоть перерождающуюся в дух, тайну, источающую боль и удовольствие, чувственное завершение и распущенное счастье.