Die Bewohner von Cornwall leiden stark unter dem Mangel und hohen Preisen von Getreide. Demelza versucht Wege zu finden, den Menschen zu helfen …
Ross's tenacity in helping Ned bears fruit, but not without cost. Hanson’s presence in Cornwall raises suspicion and as Demelza wrestles with how best to equip the community to look after itself, Morwenna lends herself to the cause and finds new hope.
Geoffrey Charles and Cecily’s relationship continues to blossom whilst her father Ralph pursues an arrangement with George, but George’s sanity continues to deteriorate and Cary struggles under mounting responsibilities. Bored of being neglected, Valentine decides to break out of Trenwith in search of new friends. Meanwhile, the Enyses look to challenge the county’s high society by hosting a ball to introduce the Despards, before disaster strikes and Ross and Ned must rise into heroic action together.
Nälkä piinaa Cornwallin kansaa. Poldarkit tekevät kaiken voitavan auttaakseen kyläläisiä, mutta antaako nälkäinen kansa auttaa itseään? Georgen henkinen tila vaarantaa jo suvun maineen.
Des premiers amours fleurissent, mais un désastre aux Cornouailles menace l'espoir des Poldark de faire profil bas.
La insistencia de Ross para ayudar a Ned da sus frutos, pero no sin un coste. La presencia de Hanson en Cornualles levanta sospechas y Demelza busca la mejor manera de proveer a la comunidad.
La salute di George non migliora, ma l'intervento di un esperto peggiora solo le cose. Intanto un incidente a Wheal Plenty costringe Ross ad intervenire.
Georges mentala tillstånd försämras så pass att hans onkel Cary måste ta över skötseln av familjeföretaget. Hansons närvaro i Cornwall väcker misstankar.
O relacionamento de Geoffrey Charles e Cecily continua a florescer, mas a sanidade de George segue piorando, e Cary enfrenta responsabilidades crescentes.