During the finals of the Pokémon World Coronation Series Masters Eight Tournament, Ash and Leon continue to enjoy their fierce battle! Noticing the match’s back-and-forth rhythm, Dawn points out that both Champions have similar battling styles. The battle action is as intense as can be. First, Leon’s Rillaboom takes down Ash’s Dragonite and Sirfetch’d, but Dracovish gets revenge. Then, Leon brings out Cinderace, who eliminates Dracovish. With Ash down to only Pikachu, Leon switches in his Charizard, who was his first partner Pokémon, just like Pikachu was Ash’s. After Gigantamaxing, Charizard attacks, while Ash and Pikachu counter with a Z-Move—and the combined power causes Eternatus to appear! But why?
A batalha acirrada para determinar quem é o treinador mais forte continua. Será que Ash consegue garantir a vitória?
En finale du Tournoi des Huit Maîtres des Championnats du Monde du Couronnement Pokémon, Sasha et Tarak continuent de s’engager dans une bataille féroce et d’utiliser leurs attaques les plus puissantes. Il en résulte un résultat inattendu.
Im Finale des Turniers der Acht Meister der Pokémon-Krönungs-Weltmeisterschaften liefern Ash und Delion sich weiterhin einen erbitterten Kampf und setzen ihre stärksten Attacken ein. Das hat ein unerwartetes Ergebnis zur Folge.
Trwa zacięta bitwa o tytuł najlepszego trenera Pokémonów. Czy Ash zdoła wywalczyć ostateczne zwycięstwo?
O feroz combate para determinar o treinador mais forte prossegue. Conseguirá Ash alcançar a derradeira vitória?