Goh has been working tirelessly to become a Project Mew Chaser, and now he’s down to his last mission: catch Regieleki and Regidrago!
Of course, he’s not the only Trainer vying for the title. Gary is as well!
Things might have been a little bit rocky when the two first met, but now they’re putting cooperation above competition and are vowing to work together!
Thanks to some good advice from Lyla and Sterling, Goh and Gary develop into quite the formidable team, and catching Regieleki and Regidrago becomes more than a fantasy!
Finally, Professor Amaranth announces the official results, and Gary, Horace, and Goh are accepted as Project Mew Chasers!
Goh faz sua última missão para o Projeto Mew: capturar Regieleki e Regidrago. Será que ele vai conquistar o título de Rastreador?
Goh hat hart dafür gearbeitet, ein Projekt-Mew-Verfolger zu werden. Er muss nur noch eine Aufgabe erfüllen: Er muss Regieleki und Regidrago fangen. Dafür schließt er sich mit seinem Gegner Gary zusammen.
Goh a travaillé dur pour devenir un Project Mew Chaser. Il ne lui reste plus qu’une tâche : il doit attraper Regieleki et Regidrago. Pour cela, il s’allie à son adversaire Regis.
Goh uczestniczy w ostatniej misji próbnej Projektu Mew — ma złapać Regielekiego i Regidrago. Czy uda mu się otrzymać tokeny potrzebne do zdobycia tytułu Tropiciela?
Goh compete na missão final do Projeto Mew, em que captura um Regieleki e um Regidrago. Conseguirá ele receber medalhas suficientes para merecer o título de Coletor?