The World Coronation Series is here, and Ash and Goh have tickets to watch the final match! In a thrilling battle, Lance of the Kanto Elite Four and his red Gyarados go up against Leon, the undefeated Champion of the Galar region, and his Charizard. The action kicks into high gear when Gyarados becomes Dynamax Gyarados and Charizard becomes Gigantamax Charizard. The two Pokémon trade overwhelming attacks, but Charizard’s G-Max Wildfire stops Gyarados in its tracks, giving Leon yet another victory! But just as the battle wraps up, a Gigantamax Drednaw appears and starts to wreak havoc on the stadium. What will happen next?
Professor Cerejeira dá ingressos para Ash e Goh acompanharem as finais do Campeonato da Coroação Mundial, na qual os treinadores mais fortes lutam pela vitória!
Professor Cerejeira dá ingressos para Ash e Goh acompanharem as finais do Campeonato da Coroação Mundial, na qual os treinadores mais fortes lutam pela vitória!
Le Professeur Cerise offre à Sacha et Goh des entrées pour la finale du Tournoi du Couronnement Mondial dans la région de Galar, où les meilleurs dresseurs s'affrontent !
Die Krönungs-Weltmeisterschaften sind in vollem Gange. Ash und Goh haben Karten für das Finale! In diesem spannenden Kampf stehen sich Siegfried von den Top Vier aus Kanto und Delion, der ungeschlagene Champ der Galar-Region, gegenüber. Nach einem überwältigenden Kampf taucht plötzlich ein gefährliches Gigadynamax-Kamal auf.
Le World Coronation è giunta all'ultima lotta, Ash e Goh hanno i biglietti per assistere alla partita finale! In un'emozionante battaglia tra: Lance deegli Elite Four di Kanto e Leon, il campione imbattuto della regione di Galar. L'azione prende il sopravvento quando Gyarados diventa Dynamax Gyarados e Charizard diventa Gigantamax Charizard. I due Pokémon si scambiano attacchi travolgenti, ma proprio mentre la battaglia si conclude, appare un Gigantamax Drednaw e inizia a devastare lo stadio.
¡Gracias al profesor Cerise, nuestros héroes están a punto de presenciar la pelea de sus vidas!
Dankzij Professor Cerise, staan onze helden op het punt om getuige te zijn van het gevecht van hun leven!
Profesor Cerise ma dla Asha i Goha bilety na Światową Koronę Bitew w regionie Galar. Chłopcy będą mogli zobaczyć, jak o zaszczyty i chwałę walczą najlepsi trenerzy!
Professor Cerise giver Ash and Goh billetter til verdenskroningsserien i Galar-regionen, hvor de bedste trænere kæmper om æren!
افس أقوى المدرّبين من أجل نيل المجد.