Ash und seine Freunde kommen nach Anemonia City. Ash will dort um den Faustorden kämpfen. Chuck, der Arenaleiter von Anemonia City, trainiert mit seinen jungen Studenten ununterbrochen. Er ist der Auffassung, dass man nur mit körperlicher Stärke gewinnen kann. Wenn es nur nach Stärke ginge, würde Ash den Kampf um den Faustorden verlieren, denn seine Pokémon sind nicht so stark wie die von Chuck. Doch da Ash mit Pikachu und Lorblatt auch eine starke innere Verbindung hat, gewinnen sie den Kampf, denn die Pokémon wissen auch ohne Worte, was Ash denkt! Ash erhält den Faustorden. Leider ist die Arenaleiterin von Oliviana City noch nicht zu einem Kampf bereit. Ihr Ampharos muss erst wieder richtig gesund werden. Und so beschließen Ash und seine Freunde, erst mal zu den Whirl Islands zu fahren, denn dort soll es geheimnisvolle Pokémon geben…
Ash, Misty, Brock and Janina (a girl who was assistant to Jasmine, the wannabe) sail toward Cianwood city. First they got to the store to get Ampharos's medicine. After they said goodbye to Janina, Ash walked toward to Cianwood gym. But then they stopped, because they saw a man on a field battling with Machoke!
As they seen the battle, the man was just practicing Machoke's powerfull attacks. He dodged every one of them until he got attacked by Karate Chop. And then he ran crying to Machoke and they hugged. Then he saw Ash and others and called them down. He talked about his Machoke's training for a while, and after made them do some exercise. They were marching while walking to the Gym. When they came there, Ash and co. saw students with Pokemon who called the man their teacher. Then man introduced himself as Chuck, the fighting Gym Leader of this Gym. He called them inside to have a little snack. But snack wasn't so little. Everybody got a big plate with porridge stuff including littl
Sacha gagne son cinquième badge de Johto, le badge Choc, contre Chuck (Type Combat).
Los chicos llegan a Ciudad Cianwood y luego de despedirse de Yanina se dirigen en busca del gimnasio pero se encuentran con un hombre peleando contra un Machoke en la calle.
Ash e i suoi amici sono a Fiorlisopoli in compagnia di Janina, un'allieva della Palestra di Olivinopoli.
Após pegar remédios na Cidade de Cianwood, nossos heróis descobrem que o Líder de Ginásio local está treinando duro com seu Machoke. É só questão de tempo antes de Ash resolver enfrentar o Pokémon Tipo-Lutador de Chuck.