Ein Junge namens Simon behauptet, mit Pokémon sprechen zu können. Damit erweckt er das Interesse einer Gruppe Gauner, die mit seinen Fähigkeiten Geld verdienen wollen.
On the long trek to Olivine City, our heroes notice Pikachu looks a bit worn out. Brock suggests it's the trudging along this trail that has taken a toll. Just then, an old man appears from beside the path and explains the soil in this region contains minerals that absorb electricity. He walks up to Pikachu, kneels down and starts speaking to Pikachu in Pokémon tongue! Upon Pikachu's response, he rises and tells Ash that Pikachu is exhausted and cannot walk much further. Introducing himself as Simon, he suggests the crew follow him to his rest-stop. Upon their arrival, Ash hooks up Pikachu to a nearby bicycle with the electrodes attached to it. The more Ash pedals, the more electricity is pumped back into Pikachu's cheeks. Simon explains to Misty and Brock he won't charge for the "recharge" and he'll waive his translation fee. Surprised he charges at all for his rest-stop remedies, Misty and Brock are cut short of saying anything by the arrival of Officer Jenny. There to arrest Simon, she explains several local trainers have been swindled out of money recently by a person claiming to be a Pokémon interpreter. Can Simon really talk to the Pokémon, or is he the scam artist Officer Jenny has been looking for?
Nos amis croisent un homme capable de comprendre et de parler le langage des Pokémon. Mais l'agent Jenny arrive et l'accuse d'être un faux et veut l'emmener au centre de police. Mais, en vrai, c'est un autre homme qui se fait passer pour un interprète.
Los chicos conocen a un hombre llamado Simón que dice poder comunicarse con los pokémon pero muchas personas (incluyendo la policía) no le creen.
Diretti a Olivinopoli, i nostri eroi notano che Pikachu ha l'aria stanca. Proprio allora, dal sentiero appare un uomo anziano, il quale spiega che il terreno della regione contiene minerali in grado di assorbire elettricità.
Um pretenso tradutor Pokémon ajuda o exausto Pikachu na estrada, mas nossos heróis logo descobrem que ele é procurado pela polícia por fraude. Em qual história eles devem acreditar?