Andrew and Meghan meet Ryan, a children's animator who recently moved and is having difficulty making new friends. Ryan started playing the Pokémon Trading Card Game locally and connecting with a new rival, Griffin. Andrew and Meghan help him convert those connections into friendships, become a consistent TCG player, and to up his game before facing Griffin in a battle. Game on!
Andrew e Meghan incontrano Ryan, un professionista dell'animazione che ha bisogno di aiuto nell'essere costante nel Gioco di Carte Collezionabili Pokémon e nel costruire amicizie significative ora che si sta avvicinando ai trent'anni.
Andrew und Meghan treffen Ryan, einen Animator, der Hilfe braucht, Konstanz in seine Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiel-Strategie zu bringen und auf dem Weg in seine 30er bedeutsame Freundschaften zu schließen.