Why do people really enjoy Vanilla WoW? Is it the walking? Maybe it's because they like standing around the main faction city for 50 minutes trying to form a group? Nah, I think they are all rose-tinted :^) In this video go over some of the reasons why I love vanilla wow!
Druid: The Jack of All Trades.. The Master of None. Why should you play a Druid? Let's find out!
Looking to be a Horde warrior of the elements when classic comes around? Well be looking to support your bros and one shot some foes!
In a time of little news about classic wow. One rogue cop goes on a mission for what the community deserves... IN VR! (Sorry for no videos the past couple of weeks! Here is something silly to tide you over!)
Paladins are the warriors of the Alliance... They should be kicking ass, right?.. Well not exactly. Let’s see what they CAN do on this episode of Vanilla Flavors!
Lets take a look at an old Classic WoW relic of the past.. and hope nothing comes after us as well....
Ahhh Warlocks, The Summoners of Demons, Farmers of Soulshards and the DoT Face Melters of Classic WoW. So.. what exactly does the Warlock bring to the table in Classic WoW? Let's find out on this episode of Vanilla Flavors!
Priests are the best healers in the game but that isn't the only thing the holy boys are good at in Vanilla/Classic WoW.. Lets see what Jesus Christ himself has to say on this episode of Vanilla Flavors!
Another Blizzcon in the books. Classic, Diablo and other games, oh my! What do I think about my time at Blizzcon 2018?!?!?! Well let's find out!
Warriors. Hard to level but utter beefcakes at end game. What isn’t there to love? Let’s find out how good Warriors really are in Classic WoW on this episode of Vanilla Flavours!
Ah yes, the mage! These dudes are well known for their stick nasty burst, insane CC and their impeccable food and beverages. But let's see what they really bring to the table on this episode of Vanilla Flavors!!!
Hunters! They class is known for beeing the noobs of WoW but what you might not know is depth the class can really have when you do the research! So why should you play a hunter in Classic WoW? LETS FIND OUT!!!!!
SECOND CHANNEL LINK: @platinumwow2485