All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Baby Shark

    • December 31, 2016
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    Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Baby shark.

  • S01E02 Animals Sound Fun

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    A duck on the farm says "Quack, quack, quack." A donkey on the farm says "Hee-haw."

  • S01E03 Jungle Boogie

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    Sing boom bodi boom, boom. Boom bodi boom, boom.

  • S01E04 The Penguin Dance

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    Penguins, attention. Penguins, begin. Have you ever seen a penguin dancing here?

  • S01E05 My Pet, My Buddy

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    I have a doggy. Her name is Dolly. I love my doggy. I love Dolly.

  • S01E06 Under the Sea

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    Let's dive and swim with sea animals. You can swim and play with sea animals.

  • S01E07 The Lion

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    The lion is the king of the savanna. Look at his jaws and teeth. Roar.

  • S01E08 Will You Marry Me?

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    Ms. Peacock, will you marry me? I'm an elegant peacock. Look at my tail, the most beautiful tail.

  • S01E09 Night Animals

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    I am an owl with a unique neck. I can turn my face upside down. Can you do this?

  • S01E10 Baby Animals

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    Hey, hey yo yippee hey. There was a baby dog and puppy was his name-o.

  • S01E11 Hide 'n Seek

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    Close your eyes and open. Hide and seek. Hide and hide, and hide, and seek.

  • S01E12 ABC Animal Train

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    Choo, choo, all aboard everyone. Get on the animal train. Toot. Toot.

  • S01E13 Animal Families

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    I'm a little penguin. Call me Chick. I'm a little kangaroo. Call me Joey.

  • S01E14 Did You Ever See My Tail?

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    My tail is gone. Did you ever see a tail? My tail, a pig's tail?

  • S01E15 Whose Tails?

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    Curly tail, curly tail, curly tail, whose tails? Pig's and Lizard's tails.

  • S01E16 Animal Rhythms

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    I'm a donkey, a funky donkey. Jump to the beat. Boom, boom, boing.

  • S01E17 Peek-a-Zoo

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    Going to the zoo to see an elephant swing, swing his long trunk.

  • S01E18 Animal Action

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    Everybody, dance around. Silly jolly hippo dance. Do the hippo. Do the hippo. Now, stop.

  • S01E19 Animals, Animals

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    I love animals. They can walk and fly. I love animals. They can swim and crawl.

  • S01E20 Hibernation Song

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    Wow, spring has come. I've missed my friends.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Elephant

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    Do you know what the biggest land mammal is? It's Mr. Elephant.

  • S02E02 Giraffe

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    A long neck and long legs. Can you guess who I am? I'm a groovy giraffe.

  • S02E03 Zebra

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    I'm a safari fashionista. Zebra cadabra.

  • S02E04 Gorilla

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    I'm a rilla, rilla, rilla, rilla, gorilla.

  • S02E05 Rhinoceros

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    Did you know a rhinoceros has two horns on his nose?

  • S02E06 Polar Bear

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    I'm a paw-paw-paw polar bear.

  • S02E07 Cheetah

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    Cheetah cheetah bang bang.

  • S02E08 Camel

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    Wow, a camel has a huge hump, a huge, fat filled hump.

  • S02E09 Panda

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    Panda. A black and white suit. So cute.

  • S02E10 Koala

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    Hello, nice to meet you. I am a koala.

  • S02E11 Penguin

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    Waddle, waddle, waddle. Huddle, huddle, huddle. Penguin. Engine.

  • S02E12 Eagle

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    Rich brown feathers on my body and wings. I am a bald eagle.

  • S02E13 Kangaroo

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    Here we go looby loo, kangaroo.

  • S02E14 Buffalo

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    Nice horns and body. Yo-ho buffalo.

  • S02E15 Swan

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    You can do it little swan. Just spread your wings and fly.

  • S02E16 Blue Whale

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    Hi, my name is Blue Whale. I'm the biggest animal in the world.

  • S02E17 Fennec Fox

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    I am a fennec fox. The world's smallest fox.

  • S02E18 Tropical Fish

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    Whoopee-whoopee. Let's go under the sea.

  • S02E19 Monkey

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    Hi there. I am a cheeky monkey.

  • S02E20 This is the Savanna

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    Welcome. This is the African Savanna.