A distress call has made. ""This is...area 9...the 38th platoon..under attack by unidentified...request further command...INCOMING!!""
Narrator: ""4084 A.D. Mankind..has fallen into its most dire crisis, because of a fatal mistake..and lost one planet after the other. The only planet left..Zion. And mankind..must protect it to ensure their future. From those who sought after Zion, the Victim.""
A victim has spotted! The five goddesses fly in and begin formation. Aqui-Keameia activates a level two shield. Tellia-Kallisto is in attack postion. Ernest scans for other vicims...none detected. Teela instructs the pilots to go into Formation 5B. Garu asks for a number three and says, ""I'll take it down in one shot."" A giant box suddenly appears and in it, is released a gun of somekind. The Eeva Leena equips it. All pilots are ready to go! Teela instructs them to engage attack! The Eeva Leena gets ready to attack, and shoots the victim.
A nice view of Zion is now seen, along with a space shutt
Zero Enna, Pilotenanwärter, kommt auf die GOA, einer Ausbildungsstation. Dort legt er sich auch gleich mit einem Mitbewerber an. Auch sonst hat er sich noch nicht ganz zu Recht gefunden und verirrt sich in einen Göttinnen-Hangar, wo er es auch glatt zustande bringt ins Cockpit einer Göttin zu gelangen.
Zero Enna, candidato piloto, llega al GOA, una estación de entrenamiento. Allí también compite con un competidor. Todavía no se ha encontrado con razón y se pierde en un hangar de diosas, donde también logra meterse en la cabina de una diosa.