A new six-part comedy series starring Gary Olsen, Gwen Taylor. Once a thriving transport cafe, Pilgrims now sits stranded on the hard shoulder of life. But one fateful day the life of long-suffering proprietor Bob is turned upside-down by the arrival of his big sister, Tilly.
Mo News Is Bad News. Bob gets a shock when a suave customer turns out to be an old flame of Pamela's.
Bob is less than supportive of Tilly's efforts to find a job, so Pamela offers to introduce her to a women's group to discuss her problems.
When Tilly sends some of Bob's old school essays to a friend who works in publishing, Bob has to perform an unexpected task.
Bob is delighted when Nugget, an old friend from his days as a roadie, provides him with tickets to a concert. But as he renews the friendship, his troubles have only just begun.
Tilly's ex-husband Duncan turns up at the café and Bob jumps to the conclusion that he is there to have a reconciliation with Tilly. He starts making plans for Tilly's departure from the café, but Duncan's reasons for coming to see Tilly are not what Bob thinks.