What happens when you point the Hubble Space Telescope at the darkest part of the sky for 10 consecutive days? Besides using up extremely valuable time, what would you find?
Use physics to create cool patterns on a vibrating plate. How is this like a guitar string or a singing wine glass?
This is the winning entry for the 2014 Flame Challenge put on by Alan Alda and the Center for Communicating Science. http://flamechallenge.org The competition is judged by 27,000 5th graders from around the world.
You've probably heard the term Dark Matter, but what is it, and how do we know it exists?
Ever seen a ball curve or bend in the air during a soccer game and wondered what exactly makes it curve?
Emily Calandrelli is the host and co-producer of FOX's Xploration Outer Space. She is a grad from MIT and WVU with degrees in aeronautics astronautics, technology and policy.
Ever wanted to know how those vomit comet planes simulate weightlessness?
Solar and lunar eclipse - which is which? And how can you finally remember the difference?
Cosmic inflation is a theory that was proposed in the 1980s by cosmologist Alan Guth to answer some of the most fundamental questions of the origins of our universe. It also solved the Horizon Problem and the Flatness Problem.
This unique phenomenon can be easily reproduced in a pool on a sunny day.
Create half-ring vortices in a pool by sliding a plate through water and adding food coloring to the ends.
The physics behind rainbows and surprising facts about rainbows.
What happens when you drop a perfectly balanced stack of balls? And how is the result like a supernova? The classic momentum transfer demonstration, taken to the next level.
Why do mirrors appear to flip images horizontally but not vertically?
How can just two rules of Einstein's 1905 theory of special relativity lead to seemingly paradoxical changes in the perception of time? This video was inspired by a special relativity class in high school. Special relativity was one of the first subjects that made me go, “wow, that’s really how the world works?!” It stretched my imagination, as I hope the twin paradox will yours.
Surface tension holds the surface molecules of liquids tightly together and makes for some fun experiments!
Beyond molecules and atoms, how far down can we see below the wavelength of visible light? What is the smallest possible scale in the universe?
Protons and neutrons are made of three quarks, right? Wrong! Explore the particle they should have told you about when you were a kid!
The New Horizons probe reached its closest approach to Pluto on July 14, 2015 at 7:49 EST. We have received more and more detailed images and data about the dwarf planet and its largest moon, Charon. Very exciting times!
How do scientists mimic the physics of a hurricane on the surface of a bubble? What other types of crazy research are bubbles used for? Learn how to create colorful vortices on a bubble in your kitchen!
Learn how to make a wispy cloud come out of your mouth, even when it’s not cold out. Like any awesome trick, physics is to thank for the mouth cloud. This simple and fun demonstration can be used to explain the cloud in a bottle experiment, and real clouds in the sky.
3D movies and TV are is increasing in popularity, but is any of it truly 3D? How true is the 3D in movie theaters? How do glassess-less 3D TVs work? Try catching a ball with one eye closed. If you find it easy, try having the ball thrown a couple of feet in front of you, or from further away. It becomes increasingly difficult when the throw is off.
Holograms are photographic recordings of 3D scenes. Unlike a camera, which captures one view through a small viewer focused by a lens, holograms capture an entire light field which allows them to recreate the 3D scene. Shimmery 2D projections, like pre-recorded Pepper’s ghost illusion, are often confused with 3D holograms.
In The Martian, astronaut Mark Watney is stranded alone on Mars and must be rescued. It is an exciting tale of what could happen once humans start traveling to the red planet. Let’s take a look back at the most epic space rescues in history.
When you mix red and green, what do you get? White light is all of the colors, right? So, how do computer screens show you every wavelength of light? Or do they?
Ferrofluid is a liquid that displays unusual properties in the presence of a magnetic field. Watch what happens when we mix ferrofluid with the liquid from a glow stick!
You throw a rock in water from your boat. Can you figure out what happens to the water level?
As the weather gets colder and dryer, you are more likely to get shocked when getting out of a car, touching a door knob, or doing laundry. Is there a way to prevent getting shocked on the car door?
Are there any dangers associated with receiving an MRI and how exactly does an MRI work? Is it safe? Medical imaging, specifically magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has come so far that we can create high resolution images of the entire body. The technology utilizes a cylindrical cavity surrounded by a giant electromagnet, and the magnetic field though the cavity is used to image body tissue.
A wheel that spins forever; a bird that never quenches its thirst; a clock that never stops ticking, an endless source of free energy. These are but the dreams of inventors striving to make perpetual motion machines, machines that can work forever without any energy input. Are these machines possible without violating the laws of physics? No.
These 5 holiday-themed physics experiments will keep you and your family busy with science during the winter holidays! All experiments involve materials found around the house. Parental supervision advised .
5 of the most unusual, amazing and interesting stars we've discovered in our universe. Red giants, supernovas, hybrid stars, orbiting binaries, large stars, old stars, small stars, we've discovered thousands of stars within our milky way galaxy. Astronomers use incredible tools to figure out the characteristics of a star. These are 5 of the most amazing stars we've ever discovered in our galaxy.
What if you could power a ship using sunlight instead of wind? Well in space, you can! Solar sails or light sails are pushed with light from the sun. Photons provide a kick when they reflect off the sail pushing the sail like an air molecule in the wind pushes a sailboat. Find out how a solar sail works and about the future of this technology!
What happens when you pour liquid nitrogen on a flame? What about when you blow on the flame with a cup in the way? Try these five unusual ways to extinguish a candle. Pour out the flame with CO2. Cut off the oxygen supply to the flame without fully covering it. Snuff out the flame with a coil of copper wire, and when it appears dead, it will amazingly come back to life!
On Feb 11, 2016 Scientists at LIGO announced that they had detected gravitational waves for the first time. In the press conference heard round the world, they showed the tell-tale waveforms indicating that huge event in which two black holes merged 1.3 billion lightyears away, had created waves that passed by the LIGO detectors and were finally heard. Einstein predicted the existence of these waves in his 1915 theory of general relativity. But it took a long time for us to come up with the technology to detect them. For one, we had to invent lasers! This video discusses why this discovery is important, what it means for astronomy, and what’s next. If you can’t tell, I’m very excited.
With recent high-profile security decryption cases, encryption is more important than ever. Much of your browser usage and your smartphone data is encrypted. But what does that process actually entail? And when computers get smarter and faster due to advances in quantum physics, how will encryption keep up?
The reverse magnus effect - Curving and bending a ball using the magnus effect is common in soccer, tennis, and baseball. The effect can be reversed though -...
Some sports attract tall athletes and some are dominated by athletes with a shorter stature. The study of allometry investigates how strength scales with hei...
How does a touchscreen work? Why can you text with your finger, but not with a q-tip? The physics of smartphones is a complicated and amazing mixture of engi...
Hawaii is known for its volcanoes, but most volcanoes on earth exist along tectonic plate lines. Hawaii does not! What causes Hawaii to form, and how is it r...
Magnet paper or magnet film shows you were magnetic fields are. With MKBHD, Dianna explores how magnetic paper works, what devices look like with the paper, and a mystery magnet.
I got to visit two awesome upcoming NASA missions searching for life in our solar system! The Mars 2020 rover mission targeting the Jezero Crater and the Europa Clipper reconnaissance mission to explore one of Jupiter's moons due to launch in 2023. I explore if alien life is possible, where we're most likely to find it and why.
Dianna from Physics Girl visited CERN in Geneva Switzerland to find out what the detectors at the LHC are looking for, and dive into the fundamental question: what are particles?
The universe is microwaving itself. A mystery signal discovered in the 1960s led to a Nobel prize. In this video, Dianna explores one of the most mysterious discoveries in physics - a constant microwave signal that seemed to be coming from everywhere in the universe. It turned out to be light from an unusual process 13.8 billion years ago.
Physics Girl riddle: what happens to your image if you bend a spoon from concave to convex?
What happens when you shoot a ballistic ping pong ball going 450kph at a tennis ball?
Dianna from Physics Girl interviews an ER Nurse Practitioner and an Epidemiologist about their experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dianna from Physics Girl walks through 5 experiments with jello, lasers, balloons, surface tension, band-aids and candles, with some bonus facts and trivia!
Dipping hand in boiling hot oil to demonstrate physical properties!
Breaking the bottom out of a glass bottle by hitting the top is a challenging trick, but involves a ton of physics. The explanation is related to cavitation - a process seen in the Mantis Shrimp attack, head injuries and pouring honey!
Lesson 2 of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Topic: Freefall. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Creator/Host/Writer: Dianna Cowern
Lesson 3 (2D Motion & Kinematics) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 4 (Newton's Laws of Motion) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Take a look at a bubble and you’ll see all the colors of the rainbow... right? WRONG. Bubbles are actually missing colors!
Lesson 5 (Free Body Diagrams) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 6 (Friction) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 7 (Circular Motion) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 8 (Gravitation and Orbits) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 9 (Work and Energy) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 10 (Conservation of Energy) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 11 (Power) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 12 (Conservation of Momentum) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 13 (Collisions) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 14 (Rotation and Torque) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need an AP Physics 1 review before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 17 (Waves, Light, and Sound) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need a review of AP Physics concepts before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 18 (Electric Charge and Light) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need a review of AP Physics concepts before the exam? This course is for you!
Lesson 19 (Voltage, Resistance and Current) of Dianna's Intro Physics Class on Physics Girl. Never taken physics before? Want to learn the basics of physics? Need a review of AP Physics concepts before the exam? This course is for you!
Explaining the exciting new Fermilab muon result to my production team
A mud puddle started moving across the California desert, and no one knows why. Dianna visited the mud spring to find out how a puddle became declared a natural disaster.
Why are there holes all over the southern California desert? This area is a unique basin that should actually be 20,000 ft below sea level. So I traveled there and spent 4 hrs looking for muddy holes in the ground.
Astronomers have seen light from BEHIND a black hole for the first time. I explained the discovery and results to my editor, Levi. Congrats to D. Wilkins and the astronomy team!
I drove 1800 miles in a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car!
I drove 1800 miles in a Hydrogen car to learn about electric vehicles. Thanks to Toyota for sponsoring this video series and lending us the 2021 Mirai!
To reach our global goal of being net zero carbon emissions by 2050, we must solve one problem - energy storage.
We visited a giant field of solar mirrors to learn about Concentrated #Solar Power technology! Thank you to Toyota for lending us the Mirai and for sponsoring this renewable energy roadtrip!
How is it possible for galaxies and objects in space to move away from us faster than the speed of light? Will we ever see those objects?
How fast is our planet heating up? I’ve put together an experiment that asks: How much of an olympic-sized swimming pool would be filled with glacial meltwater in the time it takes to ski down a glacier? Helping me - by actually skiing down a glacier - is JT Holmes. And you won’t believe the final answer.
Where is the universe expanding into? Where did the big bang happen?
Why did Schrödinger devise this strange thought experiment?
How did Hubble discover the expansion of the universe?
Why is the James Webb Space Telescope so incredible?
How do these rocks move on their own in the desert?
Solar superstorms and Aurora Science in Alaska
Why did the US military dig a tunnel in the Alaskan tundra? What is the tunnel used for now?
Overnight in the Most Remote Camp on Earth What does it take to survive in a camp on the arctic sea ice?
What could go wrong diving in a nuclear submarine in the arctic? For one, we nearly lost our drone.