World famous Card Throwing – We will talk about the techniques I use to throw cards. We will talk about power, accuracy, how you can use this in an act, how you can use this to draw a crowd quickly, and show a few trick shots that have become popular with my recently viral video with youtube sensation Dude Perfect. We will take this even further and show different grips that can be used for soft and hard throws as well as accuracy and possible finger flicking flourishes that every magician should know. The Martin Lewis Spinner Move- An effect to allow a playing card to pop out of the deck. I will take this very old effect and show the audience on how to use this trick for photo opportunities, card magic, all while breaking down different ways to use this effect and make it your own. I will be divulging some information that is not readily available on how to use this method in a way that is not typical that will even catch magicians off guard. We will also use this technique and show