Derek Ostovani, a former structural engineer who resides in San Diego, California and now makes a full-time living traveling across the country and internationally to share his unique art of performance and sleight of hand skills. He is well versed in sleight of hand, Mentalism, and even Hypnosis and specializes in providing high-end entertainment for his corporate clients. Some of his clients include, Google, Amazon, Sam's Club, and Twitter. Derek not only packs a punch with his unique blend of Magic and Mentalism, but his quick wit and humor makes him a fan favorite from both Magicians and laymen alike! He was given a cordial invite to the exclusive FFFF convention in Buffalo New York, when Obie O'brien himself was watching him perform, unbeknownst to Derek, himself! He holds a Masters at 4F. Derek is a real worker and is constantly in the trenches. This is Derek's third release with Penguin Magic and you'll see why! You will learn the real stuff that Derek himself uses in his act!