Doc Docherty teaches close up restaurant style performances that are easy to learn, and most of all makes the spectators feel like they did the magic! Including "Narlo’s Invisible Palm Aces" - The spectator is the magician as they palm and transfer invisible Kings from one pile to another. To make it even better the spectator turns them into four Aces! "World Famous Salt(Sugar) Trick" - a restaurant favorite where sugar vanished and reappears in a napkin. "Card at Unknown Number" - A random number is created but unknown until the deck is out of the magicians hands. Then the previously selected card is at that number! "Invisible Biddle" - The classic Biddle trick where the spectator turns his card invisible as soon as they touch it! "The Vegas Test", "The Eagles Mean They Can Fly" - Doc's walk around coins across handling, "Fire Voodoo", "Super Easy Double Leaper", "In through the Outdoor", and "Card to Wallet".