Hold steady and fire with Pawn Stars as Rick checks out a Japanese Knee Mortar. Used in WWII for fighting in the dense jungles of the Pacific, will Rick see the chance to make a deal, or does the seller not even have a leg to stand on? Then, Corey and Chumlee read the fine print when an original signed copy of Wayne Gretzky's NHL contract skates into the shop. Will the guys pass, or take off the gloves and fight for it? And later, Corey continues to push for a partner's stake in the pawn shop by betting Rick he can make bigger deals. Will the gamble pay off?
Au magasin, il faudra expertiser l'ancien contrat professionnel du célèbre joueur de hockey Wayne Gretzky des Rangers de New York, un lance-grenade japonais de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ainsi qu'une statue en bronze du Colt Rampant.
Rick si occupa di un mortaio giapponese usato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale per combattere nelle pericolose giungle delle isole del Pacifico.
Rick begutachtet einen japanischen Granatwerfer aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Corey und Chumlee wird eine signierte Version von Wayne Gretzkys NHL-Vertrag angeboten. Außerdem arbeitet Corey weiter daran, Teilhaber zu werden: Er wettet, dass er größere Deals als Rick an Land zieht. (Text: History)