Lager lout and philosopher, Paul Calf, created and played by comedian, Steve Coogan, records his video diary over New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Accompanied by his friends, Fat Bob and Roland, and his sister, Pauline, he staggers thru' two days of drinking, fighting and failed sex, in desperate pursuit of his ex-girlfriend, Julie. With JH, John Thomson, Gary Olsen and Patrick Marber.
Bonus content from the 'Paul and Pauline Calf's Video Diaries' DVD, in the form of a spoof high minded arts show.
Witness the legendary first television appearances of Paul Calf as, week after week, he staggered onto the stage of a late night TV show to deliver a volley of anti-student abuse. And then, to cap it all, for the first time we saw the vision in stillettos and Top Shop separates that was Pauline...