Captain Goto treats all of Division 2 to a break at hot spring. Things seem to be going well until Kumagumi tells Kanuka that she has put away the underwear she left in the change room. Kanuka is quite angry at Kumagami. She finds it an invasion of privacy. This causes both of them to argue with each other. The other members try to stop them from fighting, but it only causes them to argue even more. Division 2 give up trying, so they decide to drink themselves into a stupor and try to forget about it. The arguing only gets worse with more alcohol. Meanwhile Captain Goto escapes and decides to call Shinobu just to get away from them.
Goto lleva al equipo a un descanso en aguas termales. Las cosas parecen ir bien hasta que Kumagumi dice a Kanuka que le ha quitado la ropa interior que dejó en la sala. La discusión sólo empeora con alcohol de por medio, por lo que el capitán Goto escapa lo mas lejos que puede.