Documentary series examining the crimes and characters of the Moors Murderers. This episode explores Myra Hindley's childhood, and her meeting with Ian Brady.
Documentary series examining the crimes of the Moors Murderers. This episode tells the tragic stories of the children they killed, and those that got away.
Documentary series examining the crimes of the Moors Murderers. This episode explores the couple's trial, and asks why 12-year-old Keith Bennett's body remains lost.
Partners in Crime. Documentary series examining infamous killer duos. This episode explores the first meeting of Fred and Rose West, and their childhood experiences.
Partners in Crime. Documentary series examining the crimes and characters of infamous killer duos. This episode explores notorious murderers Fred and Rose West.
Partners in Crime. Documentary series examining killer duos. This episode explores how a detective fought for the West's patio to be dug up, revealing the horrors beneath.