Welcome to the P.S.I. Luv U guide at TV Tome. Wanda Talbert (Connie Sellecca) and Joey Paciorek (Greg Evigan) had been unlikely and unenthusiastic partners in an N.Y.P.D. sting operation that had gone bad. She was a con artist and, to keep from going to prison, agreed to set up a mobster, and he was a detective coordinating the operation. When it fell apart, she would have to testify against him, and that will not take place for a few years, she and Joey entered the witness protection program and were relocated to Palm Springs, California to hide from the vengeful mobster. Once they assumed the identities of Dani and Cody Powell, a "married" couple working for Palm Security and Investigations, a local security and detective agency. Matthew Durning (Earl Holliman), who ran the agency, was the only one who knew who they really were. Cody and Dani spent most of their time working cases for P.S.I. and fighting with each other. The combination of an honest, analytical cop and a c
Joey Paciorek est un agent de police à la New York City Police Department et Wanda Tallbert est une tricheuse qui coopère avec la police pour éviter la prison. À la suite d'une opération d'infiltration dans le crime organisé qui a mal tourné, ils ont été placés sous le Programme fédéral des États-Unis pour la protection des témoins et re-localisés à Palm Springs comme un couple marié, Cody et Dani Powell, employés par Palm Security and Investigations, une firme de détectives privés dont le propriétaire, Matthew Durning, est le seul à connaître leur identité.
Cuando una operación para encarcelar a un mafioso se va al traste, Cody, el detective a cargo del operativo y Danny, la testigo de la fiscalía, deben ser enviados a California bajo el programa de protección a testigos. Allí deben hacerse pasar como una pareja casada que trabaja en una agencia de detectives.