Nach dem Mordanschlag auf Gouverneur Devlin, zieht sich Leo Glynn aus dem Wahlkampf zurück. Basil ist schließlich gezwungen, den Mord an Gergan zu gestehen und erstickt damit alle Hoffnungen auf ein Ende des schwunghaften Drogenhandels in Oz. Zwischen Simon Adebisi und Kareem Said kommt es zu einer tödlichen Auseinandersetzung.
After the press conference shooting incident, Glynn pulls out of the race. When a corpse is found in the laundry room, Querns demands Adebisi find out who did the deed. Soon Browne's corpse is also discovered and Querns gets worried. Querns's investigative efforts point to Supreme Allah as the culprit only Supreme's really being framed for the two killings by O'Reily and Keller. Hill pays big when he tells Mobay he knows he's undercover and Mobay comes clean about his involvement in Oz's recent crimes. Considering the words of Cyril, Sister Pete decides to remain in the Order. On death row, Deyell delivers some payback after Miles goes on another racist tirade. Vern finds out he's going to be a grandfather. Said moves in with Adebisi in order to get some proof of Adebisi's rowdy behavior. Simon finds out and delivers a tape of one of Adebisi's "parties" to Said hoping to "gain his trust" as a "brother" Said turns the evidence over to McManus. The result? Querns gets fired, McManus is reinstated and Adebisi and his cronies get moved to Unit B. Enraged about these new developments, Adebisi and Said struggle in the pod and one of them becomes Oz's latest murder victim.
Mobay tunnustaa tappaneensa Bruno Goergenin. Miles alkaa seota, kun teloituspäivä lähestyy. Said aikoo toteuttaa suunnitelmansa.
Keller et O'Reilly élaborent un plan pour mettre fin au règne de Querns et Adebisi sur Emerald City. Schillinger reçoit la visite de la femme de Hank et apprend que ce dernier sera bientôt grand-père. Adebisi est trahi par Said. McManus réintègre la prison...
יש מתיחות רבה בכלא בעקבות ניסיון ההתנקשות במושל. המצב בעיר הברקת ממשיך להידרדר.
Após o incidente de tiros na conferência de imprensa, Glynn retira-se da corrida. Quando é encontrado um corpo na lavandaria, Querns exige que Adebisi descubra quem fez esse feito. Em breve é descoberto também o corpo de Warren e Querns fica preocupado. Os esforços de investigação de Querns apontam para Supreme Allah como o culpado, mas Supreme está a ser incriminado pelas duas mortes por O'Reily e Keller. Hill paga em grande quando diz a Mobay que sabe que ele está ali como agente clandestino e Mobay confessa o seu envolvimento nos crimes recentes em Oz.
Рассматривая слова Сирила, Сестра Пит решает остаться
Glynn se retira tras el ataque al gobernador Devlin. Hill le dice a Mobay que sabe su secreto. Mobay se entrega. Ryan intenta romper con Howell. La hermana Pete cambia de opinión tras hablar con Cyril.
Glynn drar sig tillbaka efter anfallet på guvernör Devlin. Hill berättar av misstag för Mobay att han vet vad hans hemlighet är. Mobay erkänner självmant för polisen. Ryan vill göra slut med Howell, och syster Pete ändrar sig efter ett samtal med Cyril.