Aura Bella Fiora enjoys cola and spaghetti prepared by Yuri Alpha at the bar. Sous-chef learns about Aura's upcoming errand to capture nobles, sending them to Neuronist Painkill, a fate worse than death.
Yuri invites Aura to hang out later with Pestonya Shortcake Wanko for a meal. Aura is delighted, but Éclair Éklair Éklare's cough interrupts. Sous-chef passes his drink to Éclair, and the conversation continues.
Aura praises Yuri's cooking, though the maid humbly mentions Pestonya's dishes are better. Aura finds both their cooking styles unique. Another cough from Éclair makes Sous-chef suggest he join the conversation, but the penguin denies any jealousy.
As Sous-chef heads to the back room, Aura overhears his frustrations, using her keen hearing.