After hearing no word from Ruri following their alleged break up, Kyosuke is shocked to learn from Sena that Ruri has transferred schools, later finding her house completely vacated. Troubled by this, Kyosuke comes to Kirino, who gives him his own life counselling and decides to help him search for her in a hot spring town. After they eventually manage to find her, Ruri points that Kirino hadn't truly accepted her dating Kyosuke, forcing her to confess her true feelings that she didn't want him to have a girlfriend, which was the reason she passed off Kouki as her boyfriend. Kirino states that despite this, she doesn't want to see her brother cry even more than that and wants to get the two back together to repay how much he has supported her over the past year. After Ruri hears all this and a makes a curious remark towards Kyosuke before temporarily passing out, she reveals she is simply moving to a nearby town for family reasons, having only been in the town on vacation, and will still be relatively close to the others. After Kyosuke decides he is probably not ready for a girlfriend just yet, Ruri states the next stage in her plan is for her, Kyosuke and Kirino to get along with each other.
헤어지자는 말에 이어 말도 없이 전학가버린 쿠로네코.
갑자기 차여버린 꼴이 된 쿄스케는 완전히 넋이 나가 키리노 앞에서 꺼이꺼이 울기까지 한다.
그 모습을 차마 볼 수 없었던 키리노는 자기한테 맡기라면서 쿠로네코의 행방을 찾아나서고...
Kyosuke étant incapable de lui donner une réponse directe, Ruri lui demande de lui donner sa réponse après la fête du lendemain. Lors de leur premier rendez-vous, Ruri porte un cosplay qu'elle a conçu spécialement pour l'occasion, au grand étonnement de Kyosuke. Au fil des jours, Ruri dévoile ses goûts et ses préférences à Kyosuke et lui révèle qu'elle les a écrits dans un guide spécial qu'elle a créé afin de réaliser son souhait, qui, selon elle, est que lui et Kirino s'entendent.
Após verem o show de fogos juntos, Kuroneko e Kyousuke se separam. Mas ele não sabe exatamente por que, e tudo fica ainda mais estranho quando ele vai para a escola e descobre que Kuroneko foi transferida sem nem ao menos lhe contar. Incapaz de aceitar tudo isso, Kyousuke pede conselhos a Kirino...
Após verem o show de fogos juntos, Kuroneko e Kyousuke se separam. Mas ele não sabe exatamente por que, e tudo fica ainda mais estranho quando ele vai para a escola e descobre que Kuroneko foi transferida sem nem ao menos lhe contar. Incapaz de aceitar tudo isso, Kyousuke pede conselhos a Kirino...