Oprah and Eckhart Tolle present their 2008 web series on Eckhart’s groundbreaking book “A New Earth.” The premiere episode introduces the book with personal stories from Eckhart and discussions of consciousness, presence and purpose.
Oprah and Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth” series continues with their discussion of Chapter 2 - "Ego: The Current State of Humanity." In this episode, Oprah, Eckhart and viewers discuss the ego, the inner voice, and identifying with possessions.
Oprah and Eckhart continue their discussion of Eckhart’s book, “A New Earth." In Chapter 4 - "Role-playing: The Many Faces of the Ego" - they talk about how defining yourself by the roles that you play in your life can keep you from knowing who you truly are.
Chapter 5 of Oprah and Eckhart Tolle’s series on “A New Earth” introduces Eckhart’s concept of “The Pain-Body.” Oprah and Eckhart discuss how unresolved emotional pain can wreak havoc in people’s lives and relationships.
Oprah and Eckhart Tolle continue their discussion of the pain-body and discuss how to spot the pain-body in yourself, and how to contain and be free of it.
Chapter 7: “Finding who you truly are” is where Eckhart Tolle encourages all of us to go within allowing ourselves to come into the realization that we are not our thoughts, we are not our emotions and we are not our bodies, but that we, in fact are the one experiencing these. Who Am I? (if asked with honesty and sincerity) is perhaps The most fundamental question any of us can ask ourselves. It powerfully moves us beyond the egoic illusion of lack and separation and into the heavenly realm of liberation and freedom.
Chapter 8: “The discovery of the inner self” is where Eckhart Tolle gives his interpretation of the Holy Now as well as offering tools of how to reach and move into it. The Holy Now allows for us to go beyond the relentless and incessant stream of thoughts rushing through most individuals minds all day long.
Chapter 9 - “Your inner purpose”. We all share the same purpose which is to know the Universe, God, and the inner self, and to express it in our lives, this is the purpose all humans share. How we go about expressing God is what this chapter is all about. How do we find our calling, our mission here on earth that is what this session is all about.
The tenth and final session of the webcast with Eckhart Tolle and Oprah on Tolle’s book “A New Earth”. This chapter deals with how, as awakening individuals, do we move about in the world that is seemingly mad and insane, and still retain our intention to grow and unfold in Love & Light gradually growing our ability to not remain non-attached to outer circumstances.