Home / Series / Open Minds with Regina Meredith / Aired Order / Season 3 / Episode 23

Dangers of the Smart Meter with Josh del Sol

Would you allow a device into your home that had known health risks, increased your monthly bills and made it easier for you to be spied upon? Despite documentation of detrimental health effects, these devices are still being forcibly installed in people’s homes. There may be a connection to the military officials who have testified that they now have the ability to spy on people through household appliances. Josh del Sol, producer of the film Take Back Your Power, brings to light the physical and societal dangers of smart meters in this interview with Regina Meredith originally webcast December 10, 2013.Director and Producer of Take Back Your Power, Josh del Sol is passionate about the growing movement of social awakening. He has a vision for a more equitable and transparent social structure with foundational values which honor the sanctity of life and human rights. Josh finds inspiration in those of courage who speak truth to power, from a place of non-violence and vision, laying the foundation for necessary solutions.

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